EMDR Therapy in Middlesex, NJ

Pregnant woman with anxiety and depression attends EMDR Therapy sessions online in New Jersey
Boy uses drums for bilateral stimulation in an EMDR Therapy session with a Certified EMDR Therapist and Registered Play Therapist in Middlesex NJ

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) Therapy is an evidenced based treatment modality which is used with individuals of all ages. It has been shown to be effective with individuals who have experienced traumatic events, suffer from Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), grief/loss, depression, sleep disturbances, nightmare/night terrors, persistent bedwetting, anxiety, OCD, phobias, anger, etc.  Upsetting memories in the brain are stored with the emotions, body sensations and thoughts that were experienced at the time of the event. EMDR Therapy allows the brain to heal itself by helping the brain process and desensitize memories. The memories are still recalled but the emotions and thoughts associated with the memories are changed so that the individual is no longer in distress. EMDR Therapy does not require that the individual share in detail what is distressing to them.

child with anxiety using sand to regulate in a play therapy session for anxiety and trauma in Middlesex NJ


  1. History and Treatment Planning: In this phase, the EMDR Therapist gathers information about the individual’s history and current situation, as well as their specific concerns and goals for therapy.

  2. Preparation: This phase involves education about EMDR Therapy and preparing for the upcoming sessions. Play therapy can be used to teach the child or adult coping skills and relaxation techniques that will be helpful during the EMDR Therapy process.

  3. Assessment: In this phase, the EMDR Therapist helps the individual identify specific memories or experiences that are causing distress. Play Therapy can be used to help the child or adult express and explore these memories in a safe and non-threatening way.

  4. Desensitization: This phase involves using bilateral stimulation (such as eye movements) to help the child or adult process and reprocess the traumatic memories. The EMDR Therapist may use a light bar, puppets, storytelling, sand tray, toy wand, etc., to facilitate BLS (bilateral stimulation). Other forms of BLS besides eye movements are tapping (“buzzies”, butterfly hug, tapping with a toy sword, drumming, etc.) and listening to sounds through headphones from one ear to the other. The EMDR Therapist may combine multiple forms of bilateral stimulation with the child or adult.

  5. Installation: This phase involves strengthening positive beliefs and emotions to replace negative ones. Play Therapy can be used to help the child or adult identify and reinforce positive aspects of themselves and their experiences.

  6. Body Scan: In this phase, the EMDR Therapist helps the individual identify any physical sensations associated with the traumatic memories. Play Therapy can be used to help the child or adult develop a better awareness of their body and its sensations, as well as to explore ways to manage any discomfort.

  7. Closure: This phase involves bringing the EMDR Therapy session to a close and ensuring that the individual feels safe and supported. Play Therapy can be used to help the child or adult transition back to their normal routine and to reinforce any positive changes that have been made.

  8. Reevaluation: In this phase, the EMDR Therapist and client evaluate the progress that has been made and identify any remaining concerns. Play Therapy can be used to help the child or adult continue to build coping skills and positive beliefs, and to provide ongoing support as needed.

Postpartum mom is happy with baby after seeing a Certified EMDR Therapist in Middlesex NJ to reprocess trauma and decrease anxiety symptoms.


  • Address Trauma: Some individuals may have a history of trauma, such as a previous traumatic birth experience or a history of abuse, which can contribute to perinatal mental health issues like postpartum depression or anxiety. EMDR can help individuals process and reduce the emotional distress associated with traumatic experiences, making it easier to manage perinatal mental health challenges.

  • Reduce Anxiety and Stress: Pregnancy and the postpartum period can be stressful and anxiety-provoking for many individuals. EMDR Therapy can be used to target specific triggers or sources of anxiety, helping individuals develop healthier coping mechanisms and reduce overall stress levels.

  • Heal After Complicated Birth Experiences: Some individuals may have had complicated or difficult birth experiences, which can lead to feelings of helplessness, fear, and trauma. EMDR Therapy can be used to process these emotions and promote healing after such experiences.

  • Enhance Self-esteem and Self-worth: EMDR Therapy can be used to address negative self-beliefs and self-esteem issues that may arise during the perinatal period. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing body image concerns or feelings of inadequacy as parents.

  • Improve Bonding and Attachment: EMDR Therapy can help individuals struggling with bonding and attachment issues with their newborns. By addressing any unresolved trauma or emotional barriers, it can facilitate a stronger emotional connection with the baby.

  • Manage Grief and Loss: Some individuals may experience perinatal loss, such as a miscarriage or stillbirth, which can lead to complicated grief and emotional distress. EMDR Therapy can help individuals process their grief and navigate the complex emotions associated with loss.

*Video created by EMDR International Association

Certified EMDR Therapist for children  in Middlesex NJ